February 2025: Our new work titled HiCForecast: dynamic network optical flow estimation algorithm for spatiotemporal Hi-C data forecasting is finally available as Open Access on the Bioinformatics Oxford journal.
January 2025: Our new work titled HiCForecast: Dynamic Network Optical Flow Estimation Algorithm for Spatiotemporal Hi-C Data Forecasting is accepted for Publication in Bioinformatics Oxford journal. Congratulations Dmitry et al.!
January 2025: During the EAS Open House, Dr. Oluwadare provided education to over 50 individuals in the community as part of our Bioinformatics Outreach initiative (When AI Meets Biology).
January 2025: Our new work titled “HiCForecast: Dynamic Network Optical Flow Estimation Algorithm for Spatiotemporal Hi-C Data Forecasting” is finally accepted for publication in Top journal in Bioinformatics, Oxford Bioinformatics Journal. What a Way to start the Year!
January 2025: Dr. Oluwadare attended the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2025
December 2024: Three Master’s Students Graduated from Oluwadare lab and participated in the Summer and Fall 2024 Commencement Ceremony Congrats to Samuel Olowofila, H. M. A. Mohit Chowdhury and Jahanara Mohamed !!!
December 2024: Dr. Oluwadare inducted into UCCS $1 Million Dollar Club. A Recognition for securing over $1 million in external research funding during tenure at UCCS, reflecting excellence in grant acquisition and impactful research leadership. Congratulations, Dr. Oluwadare!
November 2024: The manuscript collaboration between Oluwadare lab and Klocko lab, titled A Constitutive Heterochromatic Region Shapes Genome Organization and Impacts Gene Expression in Neurospora crassa has been accepted for publication in BMC Genomics Journal. Congratulations to the our labs !!!
October 2024: Dr. Oluwadare received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from his alma mater Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Nigeria, 2024. Congratulations, Dr. Oluwadare!
October 2024: Dr. Oluwadare received the UCCS College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (EAS) Outstanding Pre-Tenure Researcher of the Year Award, 2023-2024. Congratulations, Dr. Oluwadare!
September 2024: Our new work titled “coiTAD: Detection of Topologically Associating Domains Based on Clustering of Circular Influence Features from Hi-C Data” has been accepted and published and is now available as Open Access in the Genes Journal. Congratulations Drew! Worth noting: Drew, an undergraduate student in our Lab, is the first author of this work.
September 2024: I am happy to announce that I will be speaking at the University of Colorado’s inaugural Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Impact Showcase on Friday, October 4. My presentation is about Healthcare Revolution: From Research to Life-Saving Solutions. I’m so excited to share my perspective on this important topic and hope to C-U there! RSVP here:
September 2024: I have been invited to serve as Guest Editor for Top Bioinformatics Journal, BMC Bioinformatics Collection on 3D Genomics
August 2024: Sahil Thapa joins Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics lab as a Ph.D. Student. Welcome Sahil!
May 2024: Khushali Samderiya joins Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics lab as a Master’s Student. Welcome Sahil!
April/May 2024: Dr. Oluwadare and two PhD Students from his lab attented and presented 3 posters at the International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) 2024.
April 2024: UCCS CRCW Grant Award.Dr Oluwadare with other PIs won the UCCS Committee on Research and Creative Works (CRCW) seed grant for the year 2024.
March 2024: NSF Grant Award to Improve compute infrastructure at UCCS. Dr. Oluwadare with other PIs won the NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) Award in the amount of $294,361 to improve and advance the cyberinfrastructure at UCCS. Let’s go UCCS!!!
March 2024: Our new work titled “Comparative study on chromatin loop callers using Hi-C data reveals their effectiveness” is finally available as Open Access in the BMC Bioinformatics Journal.
March 2024: Dr. Oluwadare was invited as guest speaker for a STEM for Development (SFD) webinar. 🚀 SFD, a US-based non-profit, empowers STEM students in developing countries with international exchange and higher education access. 🌍 Scheduled: Saturday, March 16th, @ 3 PM GMT
March 2024: Our Lab’s High School Student Ayush Vispute Triumphs with Second Place in the Life Science Category and Wins Prestigious Regeneron Biomedical Science Award at Pikes Peak Regional Science & Engineering Fair 2024. Congratulations Ayush!
February 2024: Our new work titled Comparative study on chromatin loop callers using Hi-C data reveals their effectiveness is accepted for Publication in BMC Bioinformatics journal. Congratulations Mohit!
February 2024: A Masters students joins Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics lab (Welcome Mohan)
January 2024: During the EAS Open House, Dr. Oluwadare provided education to over 50 individuals in the community as part of our Bioinformatics Outreach initiative (When AI Meets Biology).
January 2024: 4 Masters students joins Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics lab (Welcome Rohit, Lin, Neetu, Jahanara)
January 2024: Abhishek Pandeya joins Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics lab as a Ph.D. Student. Welcome Abhishek!
January 2024: Dr. Oluwadare attended the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2024
December 2023: Victor Akpokiro, a MSc student from Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics Lab, has successfully earned his Masters in Computer Science. Congratulations Victor !!!!. He got a job as a Machine Learning R&D Software Engineer at Broadcom Inc.
December 2023: PhD Students, Samuel Olowofila and H. M. A. Mohit Chowdhury, from Dr. Oluwadare’s Bioinformatics Lab present the research in the 2023 UCCS MOUNTAIN LION RESEARCH DAY (MLRD)
November 2023: Our new work titled “Comparative study on chromatin loop callers using Hi-C data reveals their effectiveness” is uploaded and available for public access on bioRxiv. This work is currently undergoing peer review in a journal.
August 18, 2023: Dr. Oluwadare, as PI, Awarded $1.6 million NIH NIGMS Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) for Early State Investigators! Big Congratulations to Dr Oluwadare and Bioinformatics Lab !!!!
May 29 – August 4, 2023: UCCS Deep Learning in Bioinformatics Research Summer REU Program.
June 2023: Our new work titled CNNSplice: Robust Models for Splice Site Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks is finally available as Open Access on the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.
May 2023: Our new work titled CNNSplice: Robust Models for Splice Site Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks. is accepted for Publication in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations co-authors.
March 2023: Our newly accepted work titled ParticleChromo3D+: A Web Server for ParticleChromo3D Algorithm for 3D Chromosome Structure Reconstruction is finally available as Open Access on the Current Issues in Molecular Biology Journal.
January 2023: Our new work titled HiC-GNN: A Generalizable Model for 3D Chromosome Reconstruction Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. is finally available as Open Access on the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.
January 2023: Our new work titled HiC-GNN: A Generalizable Model for 3D Chromosome Reconstruction Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks is accepted for Publication in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations Van!
January 2023: Dr. Oluwadare attended the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2023
December 2022: Our work titled Hovenga V, Kalita J and Oluwadare O. 3D chromosome structure reconstruction using graph convolutional neural networks [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2022, 11:1419 (poster) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1119247.1) submitted and accepted for poster presentation @ PSB 2023 conference
November 2022: Our new work titled TADMaster: a comprehensive web-based tool for the analysis of topologically associated domains is finally available as Open Access on the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
October 2022: Our new work titled TADMaster: A Comprehensive Web-based Tool for the Analysis of Topologically Associated Domains is accepted for Publication in BMC Bioinformatics journal. Congratulations Sean!
October 2022: Our new work titled EnsembleSplice: Ensemble Deep Learning Model for Splice Site Prediction is finally available as Open Access on the BMC Bioinformatics journal
September 2022: Our new work titled EnsembleSplice: Ensemble Deep Learning Model for Splice Site Prediction is accepted for Publication in BMC Bioinformatics journal. Congratulations Victor and Trevor!
September 2022: Our new work titled ParticleChromo3D: a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for chromosome 3D structure prediction from Hi-C data is finally available as Open Access on the BioData Mining journal
September 2022: Oluwadare Lab renamed to be formally called Bioinformatics Lab at UCCS CS department
August 2022: H. M. A. Mohit Chowdhury joins the Oluwadare lab as a Ph.D. Student. Welcome Mohit!
July 2022: Raisa Nusrat joins the Oluwadare lab as a Ph.D. Student. Welcome Raisa!
July 2022: Parker Hicks from Concordia University, Irvine, Featured on the research in Oluwadare Lab on the News: Zooming in on the Human Genome
June 2022: Our new work titled ParticleChromo3D: a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for chromosome 3D structure prediction from Hi-C data is accepted for Publication in BioData Mining journal. Congratulations David!!
June 2022: Samuel Olowofila joins the Oluwadare lab as a Ph.D. Student. Welcome Samuel!
April 2022: Parker Hicks, a REU Student Summer 2021 student, was accepted to CU-Denver Ph.D. Program in Human Medical Genetics and Genomics (Starting Fall 2022). Congratulations Parker! We wish you the best!
April 2022: Van Hovenga, a Master’s student, was accepted to UC-Berkeley Ph.D. Program in Statistics (Starting Fall 2022). Congratulations Van! We wish you the best!
March 13, 2022: Our new work titled HiCARN: Resolution Enhancement of Hi-C Data Using Cascading Residual Networks is finally available as Open Access on the Bioinformatics Oxford journal
March 2022: Our new work titled HiCARN: Resolution Enhancement of Hi-C Data Using Cascading Residual Networks is accepted for Publication in Bioinformatics Oxford journal. Congratulations Parker!
February 2022: Dr. Oluwadare, as PI, received an NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) grant to study high-resolution 3D genome structure spatial reconstruction (Award Abstract).
January 2022: Our work published at the ICMLA conference 2021 is now available online here -> DeepSplicer ICMLA 2021
December 2021: Our new work titled HiC-GNN: A Generalizable Model for 3D Chromosome Reconstruction Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks has been posted on bioRxiv Preprint Server.
November 2021: Our paper titled ChromeBat: A Bio-Inspired Approach to 3D Genome Reconstruction is accepted and published by the Genes Journal. Congratulations Brandon!
September 2021: Victor’s paper titled DeepSplicer: An Improved Method of Splice Sites Prediction using Deep Learning was Accepted for oral presentation and publication in the ICMLA 2021 Conference. Congratulations Victor!
September 2021: One of the recent works from our research group was recognized in the UCCS News publication, the Communique. This novel work was performed by Van Hovenga and I, with Van as first author. Please join me to congratulate Van! Find the News here: The Communique News
June 2021: Two REU undergraduates students– Trevor Martin from Oberlin College and Parker Hicks from Concordia University Irvine – will be working in the lab over the summer. Welcome to UCCS, Trevor and Parker!
April 2021: Our newly developed 3D structure Reconstruction tool, CBCR: A Curriculum Based Strategy For Chromosome Reconstruction, is published by the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Congratulations Van!
March 2021: Our newly developed 3D structure Reconstruction tool, ChromeBat, was recently submitted for review and also posted on bioRxiv pre-print server. Good Job Team!
February 19, 2021: Dr. Oluwadare, as Senior Personnel (equivalent co-PI responsibility), received a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant support for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) with title REU Site: Deep Learning: Theory, Concepts and Applications
February 2021: Our newly developed 3D structure Reconstruction tool, ParticleChromo3D, was recently submitted for review and also posted on bioRxiv pre-print server. Good Job Team!
January 2021: Victor Akpokiro joins Oluwadare Lab as a Ph.D. Student. Welome Victor!
November 2020: The lab name is changed from BioMLearn Lab to Oluwadare Lab
September 2020: Graduate Students Sean Higgins and Allen Westcott joins the BioMLearn lab. Welcome Allen and Sean!
August 2020: Dr. Oluwadare’s work with other collaborators titled, GSDB: a database of 3D chromosome and genome structures reconstructed from Hi-C data is Published in BMC Molecular and Cell Biology Journal
April 2020: Dr. Oluwadare announced as one of the winners of the 2020 UCCS Committee on Research and Creative Works (CRCW) Grant . Congratulations!
January 2020: Micheal Middleton joins the BioMLearn lab. Welcome Micheal!
December 2019: Keynote speaker at ROCKY 2019 Bioinformatics Conference. Dec 5 – 7, 2019 | Aspen/Snowmass, CO
October 2019: Dr. Oluwadare accepted invitation for keynote talk at ROCKY 2019 Bioinformatics Conference
September 2019: Austin Jacob joins the BioMLearn lab. Welcome Austin!
August 2019: Lily Zephyr joins the BioMLearn lab. Welcome Lily!
August 2019: Dr. Oluwadare started a Bioinformatics and Machine Learning Lab called BioMLearn Lab starts at UCCS
August 2019: Dr. Oluwadare joins the UCCS Department of Computer Science